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Accounting Services for Florida Small Businesses


We know how important your business is to you, and getting bogged down in day to day bookkeeping can be daunting, confusing and you can easily get behind.

Don’t get frustrated with questions like “do I keep my receipts?” or “how do I create expense categories?”—let us take care of that for you with quick solutions that won’t cost you extra money.  We are experts at a variety of accounting software, and our team is well-versed enough to adapt to whatever software you currently have in place.


Tax season can be more stressful than all of the Fall holidays combined, even with the sunny skies of Miami!  It’s the one time of the year where we are absolutely forced to look at our finances, and face serious repercussions if we leave any stone unturned.

It is always best that you involve a CPA when filing your taxes.  Nothing beats the trained eye of an expert who is looking for ways to maximize your filing, and completely eliminate any possibility of penalties.


The payroll needs of every business are unique, payroll is not a one size fits all matter.   It is time-consuming, easy to misunderstand, and can get expensive. We handle the logistics of payroll, so you can run your business.


You’ve resolved that your business will have an impact on the world in a way that goes beyond profits, we salute you, and we’re here to help.  Starting a nonprofit organization is about the cause, getting caught up in the paperwork can pull you away from the purpose. That’s why we walk you through the process and help you get started!


Your business is growing at an increasing rate, and you may find that you are in need of consistent professional fiscal advice, but are not yet able to afford the addition of a full-time accountant to your team.

At SJH CPA, we provide the ideal solution for the small business that is growing quickly without a full time accounting department. We join your team so that your business continues to thrive under your leadership, as you have time to focus on your growing business, increasing customer-base, and expanding vision. With our outside CFO Services, we customize a plan to match your specific needs.

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